- Remove front bumper and lights.
- Check fitting and mounting of new nose.
- Once fitting sorted and ready to mount then paint the inside of the panel.
- Mount the lights to the nose panel and then mount the nose.
- Hook up the lights and mount the front number plate (not sure where yet).
To remove the old bumper panel I needed to have access to inside the wheel well, so lets get the car on jacks and remove those front wheels.

A few of those fiddly plastic button clips to undo to remove the front inner guard panel on both sides before the bumper itself can be removed.
Four bolts at the top, and some screws and more of those plastic button clips underneath, and then the front bumper could be removed.

Behind the front plastic bumper panel there's a solid, quite substantial, plastic bumper bolted to the front of the chassis rails. Turns out the new nose doesn't fit around that chunk of plastic. So. I've removed it for now, but I'll now need to check with the vehicle certifier whether the solid bumper can be removed, or whether I'll need to trim the new nose panel to fit around the bumper. The tow hooks on the bottom on the front of each chassis rail are in the road too, so I'll check with the certifier if these can also be removed.
Nose sitting in place. Quite a few fitting and mounting things left to do, but I can't do much now until the certifier comes and checks it out. However...

For example, not sure why, but the shape of the panel in no way matches the left and right front guards - see the red sketched line of the 'trimming' I will need to do. But, that's the challenge of the project.
Once done though I think it's going to look real cool!
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